Park Place Christian Academy has a uniform policy which is available via the Student Handbook. The policy states that all K5-12th grade students must be in full uniform every day. An exception is made for administration-announced special “spirit” or “dress-up” days.
PPCA’s Uniform Policy offers some variance for boys and girls:
K3-K4 Boys and Girls:
Full school uniform OR a PPCA T-shirt with uniform bottoms may be worn.
K5-12th Grade Boys:
Navy or khaki uniform shorts or pants may be worn with a uniform polo top in solid choices of black, dark green, grey, or white.
K5-12th Grade Girls:
Navy or khaki uniform shorts, skorts, or pants and uniform plaid skirts or skorts may be worn with a uniform polo top in solid choices of black, dark green, grey, or white.
NOTE: The hemline of shorts, skirts, and skorts must be no more than 2 inches above the knee.
Families should purchase new uniforms through the school-sanctioned provider, Dennis Uniform, via www.dennisuniform.com. Enter “Park Place Christian Academy” to begin shopping.
Also, PPCA’s Partners organization offers “Spirit Day” clothing through their fundraising effort known as the ‘Sader Shack, such as Game Day t-shirts, sweatshirts, and outerwear jackets.
Athletic teams, student organizations, and other PPCA aligned groups may offer Administration-approved clothing items for individual purchase or as part of their membership.
Until further notice, previously purchased uniforms from LandsEnd, Parker, or any uniforms purchased via PPCA Swap Days are still acceptable.
Among the Uniform Policy guidelines stated in the Student Handbook are these rules:
- All K3-12th grade students must have at least one green polo shirt, which is used for school pictures and field trips.
- All outerwear MUST be from PPCA outerwear providers.
- No flip-flops or backless shoes are permitted.
Full details regarding PPCA’s Uniform Policy are found in the Student Handbook.