
The parent/family organization of Park Place Christian Academy is known as PARTNERS, for the membership closely works with PPCA Administrators, Faculty, and Staff, to create the very best environment in which students may succeed.
Partners exists to:
- Promote unity of spirit among families, students, and PPCA employees.
- Encourage involvement of all PPCA families in supporting the school.
- Offer financial assistance where needed to enhance the overall educational experience of K3-12th grade students.
Current activities for PPCA students and faculty/staff include:
- Beautification of PPCA’s Landscape
- Christmas Luncheon Door Prizes for Teachers
- Coffee Restocking for Faculty Workrooms
- Field Day for Students in the Spring
- Funeral and Hospitalization Outreach
- Live Nativity Support in December on PPCA Campus
- Playground Equipment Purchases and Installation
- Prayer Team Support for Administration, Faculty, and Staff
- Sidewalk Projects
- Teacher Appreciation Luncheons, Birthday Recognition, and other Celebrations
- Uniform Swap (twice a year, to help save money, PPCA families may bring to school their clean, gently used uniforms to trade for other sizes)
Partners offers opportunities for families to help raise money for underwriting the Supportive Activities. This year the opportunities include:
- Penguin Patch (annual opportunity for elementary children to shop for pre-wrapped Christmas gifts for their families with funds sent in by their parents/guardians
- ‘Sader 5K Run Fundraiser Event: To REGISTER ONLINE for the ‘SADER RUN 2023: TBA: See weekly/daily announcements for more information.
- ‘Sader Shack: PPCA Mobile Merchandise Outlet
Adults in every PPCA family may belong to Partners by contacting the Partners’ Leadership Team:
Email: pa******@go****.com
Membership is not limited to parents or guardians. Aunts, uncles, and grandparents are also invited to be members.
There is no membership fee or contractual obligation to serve via Partners, but many PPCA families choose to be supportive through their volunteer hours helping with fundraisers and/or supportive activities.
Partners meets at least once during each 9-weeks’ period to plan for supportive activities and fundraisers.
The Partners’ Leadership Team is comprised of members who serve two-year terms.
The current Partners’ Leadership Team:
- Partners President: Courtney Ingle
- Partners Secretary/Treasurer: Renee Holm
- Penguin Patch Coordinator: TBD
- Prayer Coordinator: Angy Singletary
- ‘Sader Run Committee Coordinator: TBD
- ‘Sader Shack Coordinator: Wendy Hathcock
- Teacher Appreciation Coordinator: Wendy Hathcock
- Uniform Swap Coordinator: Holly Grubbs
To submit a name for a Leadership Team position, members should email the Chairperson via the Partners’ email: pa******@go****.com.
The ‘Sader Shack is a merchandise outlet that is provided by Partners and is the place to get school-approved outerwear, t-shirts, and all Crusader Spirit items.
Partners opens the mobile ‘Sader Shack on the PPCA campus at least once each 9-weeks’ period — or more often as time and volunteers’ schedules allow.
For more information about the ‘Sader Shack (including pricing, orders, or dates of operations) email the ‘Sader Shack via the following email: sa********@go****.com.