Pictured seated in the front row are the grade level Winners, left to right: 4th grade Reese Williams; 5th grade Brody Cliburn; 6th grade Caden McAlister; 7th grade Alex Holm; and 8th grade Hayden Smith.
Pictured standing in the back row are the grade level Alternates, left to right: 4th grade Piper Clack; 5th grade Caleb Hinton; 6th grade Easton Stewart; 7th grade Brody Odom; and 8th grade Olivia Cook.
Winners of Park Place Christian Academy’s 4th-8th grade spelling bees will represent PPCA at the Midsouth Association of Independent Schools (MAIS) 2021 District Spelling Bee on Wednesday, Dec. 1, at Jackson Preparatory School.
To reach this level, the students won their grade-level spelling bees against classmates and then competed against each other until a Winner was declared and the runner-up became the Alternate.
Only the Winners will compete at the MAIS District III-EAST Spelling Bee, but the Alternate will represent PPCA in the competition if the Winner is unable to do so. Winners of the District Spelling Bee will advance to the MAIS Overall Spelling Bee held in 2022.