Faculty vs. Student Basketball Game

Secondary students will conclude all 7 periods of the day before this 2 pm game between the faculty and students in the PPCA Gym. This is a Student Council-sponsored event. Cost of admission is $1. Contact Student Council sponsors Mrs. Tami Ham or Mrs. Abby Willoughby for more information.

Senior Exams

Unless exempted from specific classes, PPCA seniors will take their exams May 2-6. Information regarding the testing schedule will be given to seniors via email, text, and/or school announcements. K3-11th Grade students attend full-day as normally scheduled.

Senior Awards Day

PPCA's graduating class of 2022 will be honored in an Awards ceremony during the day. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the seniors will hand over the Crusader Sword to the junior class. Time and location will be announced via email, text, and/or school announcements.